Yes, I know it's December 14th and the month is half over, but I've got lots to catch up on! I figure now is just as good a time as any, right?
Here's a little background:
This year, I truly want to make December count.
You know, spend some quality time with my family doing things together to make REAL memories {especially for the kids}.
Not baking and cleaning and shopping and scurrying around like a mad woman. Trust me, I do all of that, too. But, I want some MEANINGFUL memories together as a family, especially now that my kids are at the PERFECT age to remember our special times!
During November, I decided to make an Advent Calendar for us. Some activities on the calendar are big, some are small, but all are things we do TOGETHER every single day. Here is what my calendar looks like:
I created my little version of an Advent Calendar and decided to give it away on the Girl Talk Blog. You can click over there to get a full tutorial on how to make your own and the downloads are still available, so check it out if you think you might like to do something similar! I've even had people tell me they downloaded it and are doing a 12 Days of Christmas Countdown or even the Week of Christmas Countdown. Trust me, your kids are not going care how long you do it...they will LOVE it!
In addition to the Advent Calendar, I've been snapping a few pictures each day to go into my December Daily album. The album is a scrapbook of our December moments day by day. There's a page for each day of the month and I try to get a picture of the special {or not-so-special} things going on in our lives. December just seems to fly by! I want my kids to remember all the little things we do together that make December special. Hence, the album!
So, for the next few posts, I am going to show you our pictures from each day. Some will be part of our Advent Calendar activities and some will be random, spontaneous moments, but all of them will be what makes December special for us!
It's not about the presents or the shopping or the hustle and bustle. But about spending time together as a family and making sweet memories to cherish forever.
Okay, enough with the mushy stuff.
Here comes December; Theo style.
Love and hugs,
Leigh ♥
1 comment:
I could not wait till tomorrow morning... I had to come and check it out!! Love it of course but do not stop here now, keep blogging please!
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