Of course, they were little teeny, tiny gift cards, but hey...it's money you can spend on yourself, right?!? Who doesn't like that?
I wanted to get gift cards to Starbucks, but we are a tad limited on Starbucks Stores here.
We. Have. One.
And, it's in the Barnes and Noble store.
Not even a drive through.
Sooooooo, I settled and bought them Barnes and Nobles gift cards that they could use either in the bookstore or at the coffee shop.
Best of both worlds, I guess?
Here's the package (click to enlarge the pic):

I found travel coffee cups - nothing fancy - at Wal-Mart (yes, I know...very glamorous).
Actually, my friend Sophie found them, bought them and delivered them to my door at school because she is my partner in crime in all of this teacher appreciating.
(Only one problem here: Sophie is Olivia's teacher. This little detail has become quite complicated while trying to keep TA gifts secret. More on that later.)
Anyway, I stuffed them with brown krinkle paper (see the coffee resemblence?) and stuck the gift card on top!
I wrapped them in cellophane and added the tag and ribbon. (I used Cafe Break and Iced Coffee by Kaye Winiecki to create the tags.)
I asked the kids to sign the tags.


A cute, inexpensive gift for our favorite teachers!
I did have to make a tiny little revision in my plans, though.
Remember Sophie?
I couldn't make her one of these since she knew what I was doing (she made them for her teachers too). So, I bought her a gift card to Michael's and placed it in this little gift card holder I made just for her.

I used By My Side by Shawna Clingerman to create the gift card holder.
So, that's it!
Day 2. Done.
Only 3 more to go!
Stay tuned!

Thank you Olivia! I already spent my gift card... I love you!
Too cute!!! There is a Starbucks on Pine street but thats the other side of town:(
so cute as always... I think Olivia is catching your craft bug... did you notice her little polka dots on her name??
thanks Leigh for the great ideas!
super cute packaging-love the tag you made too!
This is absolutely adorable! I am thrilled to share this on my blog for a teacher appreciation post (with a link back to your site of course!)
Sorry, forgot to include the link - www.masteringmommybrain.com. It should be up by tonight!
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