Today we took these to Whit's teachers:

They are Chinese take-out boxes (purchased at Michael's) filled with fortune cookies!! They turned out verrrrrry cute and were not expensive at all! I just hope the teachers like the cookies?!? They both have kids, so even if they don't eat them, hopefully the kids will! To find info about supplies, visit here.
And, for Olivia's teachers, we took these:

Yep! The Sonic drink holder is back! This time I filled it with a gift card to the movies and lots of candy to
Here is a closeup of the front tag.

Cute, no?
And, here are the inside goodies:

And, here is the child chomping at the bits (can I go now? 'bout now?...PLEASE!! NOW???) ready to deliver them to her awesome teachers!

I'll be back later tonight to link you up to a FREEBIE of this treat topper:
Thanks for tuning in and I'll be back in a jiffy!

These are sooo cute! As always super cute and clever!
Very cute! I love it! I can not wait for the freebie...
These are adorable. What kit did you use for the take out box?
I love these and would love to recreate them for my daughters teachers this year. Can you tell me how to find the graphic you used for the label?
These are all sooooo cute! What program do you use to design your tags?
These are absolutely wonderful!
Do u have the template for the chinese to go boxes?
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