Thursday, October 13, 2011

{Fun Things} Halloween Treats

Have I mentioned that I loooooooove Halloween? I mean I love, love, love it.

I'm always looking for cute ideas on how to dress up my Halloween favors.

Here are a few fun ideas for serving up Halloween treats. These have all filtered across my computer screen at some point over the past few days and I just can't help but share them.

First up, Pumpkin Favor Pouches from Martha.

Surprise Balls from Charlotte's Fancy.

Jack O' Lantern in a Jar by the girls at eighteen25. Oh! For the love of cute. And the ribbon? Icing on the cake...errrr...cookie.

Halloween treat bags from The Twinery.

Sour cream containers by PaperVine? I think yes.

Frankenstein or ghost bags by Pink Texas Chick. I really like the updated Frankenstein with scarier eyebrows. So cute!

Friendly ghost bags by BHG? Yes, please.

And, last but not least, my very favorite of all - Monster Cello Bags by The Celebration Shoppe. SERIOUSLY. It doesn't get any cuter than this.

In fact, they're so cute, I think I'm going to do them as Halloween treats for the kids in my class. And, maybe the kids in my kids' classes. Of course, I'll change it up a little and put my spin on it. I'm not a fan of being a complete copy cat - just a partial one. But that's just me. Ha ha ha.

For more inspiration, check out my October-ish Board on Pinterest. Beware, though. Once you start, you can't stop.

So, go! Have fun and have yourself a spooky little October!

Happy treat giving!

1 comment:

  1. These are fantastic! Thanks so much for the ideas....I LOVE Halloween, too!
