Sunday, September 12, 2010

She did whaaaaaat?

The tooth fairy assigned to our house last weekend must've been a *new* fairy-in-training. She went a little crazy in Olivia's room.

Here's how it went down.

Olivia lost her tooth. (SHOCKER, I know).

She was alllllllll excited about a tooth fairy visiting (as was I) until she got an offer to spend the night at Papa Joe's house. At that point, she promptly decided the tooth fairy wouldn't mind making an extra stop along her nightly travels. I agreed.

Not one to ruin the party (or interrupt a quiet evening at home with no children), I quickly sent her out the door with a promise to write the tooth fairy a note, letting him or her in on our plans. (Thanks to the movie The Tooth Fairy, my kids believe there are all sorts of fairies that can come and get your tooth - not just one - not just girl fairies - and not just professionals - there are fairies in training, as was OBVIOUSLY the case with this one).

Well, wouldn't you know, that sweet little tooth fairy flitted all around Olivia's room looking for the tooth fairy tin I sent to Papa Joe's house?!?! The sparkles from her dress got ALL OVER Olivia's dresser and she must've taken a dip in the water I left out for her because the water was PINK!

HOLY COW! Olivia Grace Theo had a CORONARY when she saw the scene. She just COULD NOT stop looking at all the sparkles and the pink water and the note that the TF left for her (scrawled with a glittery, silvery pen at the bottom of my note). I know the picture is can hardly see the writing.

In fact, Olivia was SO excited that she gave me SPECIFIC instructions to leave another glass of water out tonight since she lost her second tooth today. (HOORAY...the crooked Nanny McPhee tooth has FINALLY LEFT THE BUILDING!)

I'll have to let you know how it all turns out tomorrow! I'm thinking tonight's fairy may have a little turquoise number on...I'm feeling awfully turqoise-y. Thanks to a recent trip to Michael's and a 50% off coupon, I have every color glitter under the rainbow to prepare for the next few years of tooth shedding!

Here's to sweet little girls with big imaginations and mommies willing to encourage them! (Oh, and cool people on the internet with the idea that started it all).

Good night all!

Happy dreaming!