I'm getting a little worn out.
It all started with Wize-N-Up, our church's version of crazy, wacky, wet, wild, peanut buttery, pie-in-your-face, nasty, FUN Vacation Bible School.
We had to cover our seats to ride home every night.
The kids were
They LOVED it!
The first night, Whit came home soaking wet and covered in grass and other nature-ish stuff, but Olivia was completely dry and clean. (Oh, this is going to work out okay; only one nasty child each night! I can handle that I foolishly thought.)
Here are pics from the second night. Whit is soaking wet, covered in flour and Olivia is drenched from head to toe.
He was so gummed up with flour, he looked like walking play-doh.
And, then, by the third night, it was all over. Whit met me with a big blob of whipped cream in his hair and brown paint-like matter all over his face.
Turns out he ate chocolate pudding from a diaper.
Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Ewwwwwww. Eww.
But, guess who likes eating chocolate pudding out of diapers?
This guy:
Who knew?
Anyway, they had a rockin' week at Wize-N-Up and we are thankful to be back in full swing at church!
Wize-N-Up. Check.
Next up, Olivia and I ventured to the Peace Center in Greenville to see Sleeping Beauty with our neighbors and friends.
We soooooo look forward to doing this each time we go. The girls love the shows and afterwards they get to walk around and get autographs from the characters.
This time, when the show wrapped and the audience was clapping {loudly}, Olivia shrieked with excitement, "TIME FOR AUTOGRAPHS!!!!!!"
I think it's her favorite part.
And, she literally got EVERY. SINGLE. CAST. AUTOGRAPH.
Even the trees.
Not lying.
Olivia definitely has the potential to be a great actress one day, given the high level of drama we currently have in our house.
For real.
She was a little freaked out when that last big guy threw his arm over her shoulder for the photo op.
The look on her face is one part "I'm trying to smile and be polite" and one part "Get me the heck outta here; HE'S TOUCHING ME!!"
Oh, and I probably should've done a little more research before heading off to see Sleeping Beauty. It's not a family favorite of ours and I sort of forgot that the beautiful princess PRICKS HER FINGER and ALMOST DIES!!!!
Yeeeeeeeaaaah. Not a good call on my part seeing how my little princess has a not-so-fond affinity for blood.
Luckily, the part where she pricks her finger wasn't too intense and flew by quite quickly.
Thank the Lord.
See a play. Check!
Up next:
Water balloons
The Karate Kid
I know you can't wait!
Happy Summer-ing
Leigh :)
Helloooooo!!!!! I want to know if you checked off more items of your bucket list!! You need to post dear BFF!!!