Tuesday, June 8, 2010

It's not just all in my head...

When they see my hybrid creations, people often ask me, "HOW do you come up with this stuff?"

Of course, I'd like the answer to be that I just have a really creative mind from which ideas and projects sprout and grow. Kind of like this one:

Or, that I find inspiration from browsing fabric swatches in the most fabulous yarn store ever. Scroll through those photos and try not to drool.

Or, that I leisurely stroll the streets of my hometown and find wonderful inspiration there.

Or, that I visit the eclectic craft fair down the street to find inspiration. (Spartanburg? Riiiiiiiiiight).

But, I'd be lying.

Flat out lies.

The truth is, every once in a while I have an idea that is mine {ALL MINE} and I run with it. But, that's usually not the case.

Typically, I see projects or ideas (usually on the internet) and I tailor them to fit my needs. I use my tools, my scrapbook kits or my computer to design something similar. It's typically considered to be in bad taste to copy someones project exactly like they did it (sort of like plagiarizing...remember that??). So, I make sure to make my project different enough to be my own and always give credit where my inspiration came from.

Other times, I use their ideas, labels, and downloads and make the exact same gift.

Like this one.

You can guarantee I'll be whipping up one (or three) of these bad boys for Father's Day this year.


And, as long as your dad is not my dad, feel free to whip up one too! You can download her labels and make your very own Super Hero box! She did all the work for you!! Easy Peasy! Visit Alpha Mom to get your downloads.

After all, when the artist provides the downloads for you to use, they intend for you to, you know, USE THEM!!!

Be sure to show some gratitude and say thanks when you download!

Happy Father's Day-ing.

1 comment:

  1. I wish I would have one of your kids as my student when I was teaching! I love all your Teacher appreciation ideas! I am featuring one of them at somedaycrafts.blogspot.com. Grab my "featured" button.
