Sunday, June 28, 2009

Who knew??

My little guy is SIX.



Who knew I would get through one baby shower at work and then you would make your entrance EIGHT WEEKS EARLY, thereby thwarting any and all other showers that were planned?

Who knew you would come into this world EIGHT WEEKS EARLY and still weigh a whopping 5lbs 9ozs. {You looked like the line backer of the NICU team}. Those numbers are unheard of...

Who knew you would make your entrance nice and early thereby avoiding potential harm from a TRUE KNOT in your cord? (And yes, your head was wonky, but CHECK OUT THE KNOT).

Who knew you would survive your first few weeks at home with two weirded out nurses and one weirded out mom who acted like you would die if we didn't write down every poo, every breastfeeding, every burp, every bath, every cry and every nap.

Who knew you would survive your first year and be COMPLETELY and TOTALLY healthy with absolutely no problems by your first birthday?

Who knew by the time you were 16 months old, you would have a little sister who would totally annoy the heck out of you and drive you crazy as often as she could, all the while looking innocent and totally precious?

Who knew she would become your best buddy {sometimes}and partner in crime?

Who knew you would love so many different things?

Like swimming...

And gaming...

And legos!!

Who knew we could love you so much?

God knew!

That's why he gave us you!

We love you, Whittaker Cole! You make us so proud!

Happy Birthday, buddy!